Watch the quick introduction before you get started...


Here's what's included in the Kit...

  • A basic How-To Guide to explain everything you need to know and consider as you prepare to terminate an employee.
  • A bundle of all the forms you may need during the termination process.
  • A bundle of all the official letters you may need for documentation during the termination process.
  • A Termination Checklist to help you conduct a successful termination meeting.



The How-To Guide

Most states are “at-will”, meaning an employer or employee can terminate the employment relationship at any time for any reason, so long as it’s not discriminatory. Terminations are never easy, but this guide gives general guidance on the best way to conduct a termination to make it as painless for you and the terminated employee as possible.





COBRA Termination of Coverage Notice (1).png
Sample Severance Agreement and Release of Claims- 40 and Over (1).png
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Company Property & Financial Obligation Form (1).png
Sample Severance Agreement and Release of Claims- 40 and Over, Group Terminations (1).png
Sample Severance Agreement and Release of Claims- Under Age 40 (1).png
NYS Unemployment Insurance Application.png
Termination Letter (1).png
Notice of Layoff (1).png
Job Abandonment Letter (1).png
Return of Company Property Letter (1).png


The Termination Checklist

Checklists are a useful tool to ensure that you do not miss any steps in your HR processes. This short checklist is a great item to assist you in the steps of terminating a worker's employment with your organization. As the termination process is often a stressful time for all involved, having a printed reminder of what you need to make sure to do is very helpful.





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